about me

my name is ren, i'm an aspiring game dev who will hopefully one day achieve something... but for now i'm just enjoying working on this website. i got inspired to make this site after watching one too many youtube videos and reminiscing about my old tumblr. growing up i've found myself hating social media more and more, and i really just want somewhere i can dump out all the thoughts in my brain without worrying about who the algorithm will show it to, if you find this site then it means you really had to go searching and for that i commend you.
i'm hoping to make a blog soon, look in the interests section to find out what i could potentially talk about.


gaming, music (i mostly sing but i can play the guitar somewhat), art (i draw occasionally), programming, anime, anything science-related (but i mostly lean towards technology or biology), cooking/baking, animals, internet culture, args sometimes, does hatsune miku count as a hobby???

see below for more in-depth descriptions

games music anime/films/shows random

mysetry playlist

click here!!!

a massive playlist i put together of some of my favourite videos on youtube for when i need a pick-me-up

background link

˖⁺‧₊ only shooting stars break the mould ₊‧⁺˖