genuinely don't know what to write here tbh, i guess i'll write about making this website?

so far it's been really enjoyable going back to learning html and css (and the tiniest bit of javascript), the last time i had to make a webpage was a VERY chaotic group project in 2nd year of uni... it did not go well is all i will say. this has been a lot easier to do though, i remember css being daunting before but now it seems relatively simple (relatively being the keyword here), margins vs. padding actually make sense to me now so i'm glad that i got over that hurdle. could i have used a template or something? probably but making it from scratch has been wayyyyy more fun tbh.

honestly html has a special place in my heart (as weird as that is to say) because of tumblr and making a custom site. i don't think i could actually make a site that worked considering i had absolutley no coding experience and there was a fair amount of intermediate javascript knowledge needed for it, but i tried my best :,). i think that was the first time i had a proper bit of coding experience which would lead me to going into a comp sci degree, and it also gave me the love i have for frontend development (even though i would never be a ux dev, i like making menus for games though).

apart from writing wayyy too much html over the past few days, i've been pretty busy with work which hasn't been too crazy, but i have to cycle there and back which has been killing me because i haven't cycled regularly in over 2 years. i nearly got ran over a few days ago, i pressed the brakes too quickly and almost skidded into a wall but luckily i was fine :D. i lost the charger for my fitbit so i had to get a new one, but at least now i can track my cycles now (and i found out i do about 10k steps at work because i'm always on my feet). i also feel my legs are definitely stronger, and my arms are bulking up too because of carrying stuff everyday (i have had a chronic case of stick arms my whole life so this is very exciting for me). i might start actually working out now but i doubt it will actually happen...

anyways i think this is probably long enough for the moment, i hope you enjoyed my random ramblings whoever reads this!